
Welcome to EkoAarreKauppa!

Our Online-store you can lots of Finnish domestic, handmade products. Our main ideologies are also recycling, ecology and naturality. And we also have lots of Old Treasures in our stock - go and find yours!

Old Treasures are things which each and every one has an unique story :) We have a variety selection of products, from many decades. Maybe you can use them f.ex decorations, collectible or maybe re-use them for different purposes. Use may find the true & rare treasures from our online-store :) Many of our products are uniques and therefore there are only one piece on stock, in many cases. 

Handmade Jewellery, Handicrafts and Hammered products are made of a small artisans. Many of our listed products are made from recycled or surplus materials.

We have also lots of Finnish handmade Cosmetics, Eco Cleaning products and Natural goodies in our stock. 

We also have a main store in Mikkeli, Juvantie 41. 

For now, we are open tuesdays - wednesdays, 11-17 ! Come and see what else we got :) There are f.ex lots of vintage furnitures, lamps, vintage textiles, old tools etc. 

Have A Nice Shopping!

Best wishes, Tanja & Antti, from EkoAarreKauppa

EkoAarreKauppa Oy

Juvantie 41, 50170 Mikkeli ( Store/ collect point of online shopping )

Mail address: Peiponkuja 4, 50170 Mikkeli

p. 045-78735539,


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